Multi-Award Winning GLOW design studio specialises in designing buildings that are both functional and beautiful.
We are passionate about design and work hard to ensure our clients enjoy the journey and love the creation. Our aim is to create spaces which are a true reflection of those that interact with it.
We feel the architecture of a space should be seamless blend of interior and exterior design working in harmony. The Studio is located in Williamstown Melbourne-portfolio is Australia wide – We are also open to international collaborations.

Timothy Ellis
Building Design & Interiors
After graduating from Victoria University I worked for a Swiss German Architect which was a great learning experience in coming up to date with cutting edge Architecture and design. I was able to study the thermal importance of buildings which I went on to later utilise by doing a thermal performance accreditation. I later became registered and set up a business Timothy Ellis Building Design.
We are able to work from many different angles on projects and also work alongside other professionals to ensure the designs are the best they can be. The design process often involves the team feedback and owners are also a vital part of their design. I have always aimed to design for your environment.
I am proud to say that over my career my drawings have been presented on Belle Magazine online, a project I did drawings for was featured in Grand Designs magazine in the UK. I am on the Committee of Management of the Design Matters National. I have also taught a night class of Sustainable Building Design and Design Presentation of Architectural Drawings at Victoria University. I keep this sustainable approach to the forefront when designing.

Yahnay Pointon
Interior Design Specialist
Yahnay has a classic inbuilt style, a passion for design and when not at work she is styling her own house. Art features in her life and drawing and sketching through to painting add to her skills. Yahnay’s worldwide travels including Europe and Palm Springs have influenced her design and she keeps up with worldwide design trends. After finishing a Psychology degree I decided to pursue my passion in Interior Design.
During my time with GLOW I have delivered many varied successful projects and love working with clients to achieve their design goals. I feel that good design should fit in with and draw inspiration from the landscape around them. The architecture of a home also provides an important backdrop for the interior selections-working as a team allows this connection.
In my work I enjoy using simple honest materials that have a timeless feel. I love to use materials like natural stone and timber layering them with soft elements like linen rugs and curtains to provide warmth and texture. Pulling these different materials together helps balance a space so it feels cohesive.